Attention & Focus

Understanding ADHD: What Is Not Taught About This Disorder

9.16.2015 Attention & Focus

Understanding ADHD: What Is Not Taught About This Disorder

Attention Deficit-Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is one of the most widely researched disorders in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manuel (DSM-5), yet still remains elusive to many that either struggle themselves...

No More Stimulants

3.2.2015 Attention & Focus| Learning & Children| The Brain

No More Stimulants

Photo Source:   Living with a child with ADD or ADHD can be confusing, exhausting and very stressful. From “explaining” their behaviors to others and researching different medications...

It Turns Out ADHD Is Real. Now What?

12.1.2014 Attention & Focus

It Turns Out ADHD Is Real. Now What?

Yes, it has been established and even proven. ADHD is real. Armed with this information, what do you do if you suspect you or a loved one is struggling...

Is ADHD Real?

11.24.2014 Attention & Focus

Is ADHD Real?

Is ADHD a fictitious disease? Last week when I posted information on an upcoming webinar Healing ADHD on Amazing Brains’ Facebook page a reader posted an article entitled Inventor...

What is the (Real) Reason My Child Can’t Focus?

11.14.2014 Attention & Focus

What is the (Real) Reason My Child Can’t Focus?

It’s not laziness, the wrong school, the wrong teachers, other kids, lack of motivation or bad parenting. Sometimes medications work great. Sometimes they work for a period of time...

ADHD, How Neurofeedback Can Help

10.16.2014 Attention & Focus

ADHD, How Neurofeedback Can Help

I had a meeting at a school last week for an IEP (Individualized Education Plan) and one of the concerns brought up by a member of the team was...